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Our 2020-2021 season will be like no other!

As our staff team began to think about a theme that would guide our 44th season, one word continued to pop up in our discussions: Breath. Since March 2020, our nation has struggled to breathe. Over 7.5 million people worldwide have been diagnosed with Covid-19, a respiratory illness that literally takes your breath away. In May of 2020, the nation watched the video of George Floyd's death, as he said "I can't breathe," over and over again. Breath became very timely. 

As singers, we are aware that breath is the basis of everything we do, and our breath connects us to our bodies, our voices, and to each other. Take a deep breath. Feel your lungs expand. There is nothing in this world closer to you than your breath. Now exhale.

Here’s a wild fact. According to Sam Kean, author of the book “Caesar’s Last Breath,” it takes about two years for the molecules in a single breath to be redistributed across the globe, and astonishingly, the breath you just took includes at least one molecule of every breath ever taken before 2018, two years ago. You just breathed the same air that was Julius Caesar’s last breath, the same air that carried your own first cries as a newborn, the same air that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King exhaled as he spoke the words, "I have a dream." Breath is timeless.

At the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale, we are committed to using this unprecedented year to become better, stronger, and bolder. We are committed to using our breath to sing for all of those who can't sing because they are sick, or because they are oppressed, or because they are afraid. With every breath, we sing for community, connection, understanding, justice, love, peace, the world...and we invite you to sing with us in all the ways you can.

44 Years Of Creating a Better World Through Song

The Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale was founded in 1977 as a civic children’s choir. From humble roots it has grown to be an organization with multiple choirs and an annual enrollment of nearly 200 children, in grades 3–12, throughout the Pikes Peak Region. The Children's Chorale’s musical excellence has earned it national and international recognition as one of the country’s outstanding children’s choirs, and it has been honored with three first place Gold Medals in international competitions. Singers in the Children's Chorale have traveled to Japan, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, and in 2011 toured in South Africa. In the United States, they have performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. and at Carnegie Hall in New York City. In 2004, the Children’s Chorale pioneered the Pikes Peak International Music Festival – In Harmony– which has now been hosted in cities around the world. The Festival returned to Colorado Springs in 2010, with nearly 300 young musicians participating in the week-long festival. Locally, the Children’s Chorale has been the recipient of the El Pomar Award for Excellence in the Arts and Humanities, and the Mayor’s International Award for International Outreach.

Although the Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale has garnered recognition and an exceptional array of awards abroad, its heart and spirit are firmly rooted in Colorado and in the Colorado Springs community. It features an extensive statewide outreach program, including its High Altitude Youth Chorus, X-VOX: Generations Joined in Song Festival, Adopt-a-School Festivals, School Blitz days, Raise the Roof Boychoir Festival, an extensive tuition assistance program, workshops and residencies in schools, and concerts all over the state for groups including Pikes Peak Hospice, Cancer Survivors, CASA, and nursing homes.

Our Partners:

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Our Generous Supporters:


CBG Trucking

The Colorado Springs Children's Chorale is grateful

for the support of these foundations:

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H. Chase Stone Charitable Trust

Hester E. and Edwin G. Giddings Foundation

Myron Stratton Foundation

Kenneth King Foundation

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Colorado Springs Children's Chorale

1409 Palmer Park Blvd

Colorado Springs, CO 80909


Copyright © 2023 by the Colorado Springs Children's Chorale

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